Perbandingan Algoritma Klasifikasi C4.5 Dan Naive Bayes Untuk Memprediksi Gagal Jantung
Comparison of C4.5 and Naive Bayes Classification Algorithms for Predicting Heart Failure
Gagal Jantung, Klasifikasi, Decision Tree, C4.5, Naïve BayesAbstract
Cardiovascular disease is a non-communicable disease which is the number one cause of death every year. One of the cardiovascular diseases with increasing incidence and prevalence is heart failure. Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome characterized by a decrease in the heart's ability to pump blood to meet the body's need for oxygen. Classification is one of the techniques of data mining that can be used in the prediction process. Classification can be processed using a Decision Tree, namely the C4.5 and Naive Bayes algorithms. This study aims to classify and apply data mining classification. The results of data classification were evaluated using the Confusion Matrix and the ROC curve to determine the level of accuracy using the Decision Tree C4.5 algorithm which was 86.78% and the AUC value was 0.867, while the accuracy value for Naive Bayes was 89.18% with the AUC value being 0.947. so it can be said that the Naive Bayes algorithm has good predictive results in predicting heart failure in a person.
-1923-4-PB. (n.d.).
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