Guideline Author

Guideline Author:

COVOTECH is a journal managed by Institut Riset dan Publikasi Indonesia (IRPI), Riau-Indonesia, which was first published in 2020. The COVOTECH is a scientific journal published online and in print, which publishes articles or scientific works research results in the field of Information System, Decision Support System, Expert System, Software Development, artificial intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Geographic Information System (GIS), IT Project Management, E-Learning, E-Business, E-Commerce, Mobile Computing, Security and Networking and several other topics that are still related to Information System. COVOTECH can be written in English or Indonesian, Except the Title and Abstract of journal must be written by English.  General guidelines from the COVOTECH journal consist of:

  1. Article is written as manuscript in MS Word with A4 page size (210 x 297 mm) with left margin of 3.0 cm, top margin of 2.5 cm, right margin of 2.5 cm, and bottom margin of 2.5.
  2. Article is written in single-column format with the simplest possible text layout. It is recommended to only use the writing facilities provided in MS Word (bold, italics, subsripct, superscript, equation, etc.) and not to use other facilities outside from MS Word (embedded graphic design, embedded symbols, embedded equations, etc.).
  3. Every part of the text in the manuscript is written using the Times New Romans 10 pt, 9 pt and 8 pt fonts (complete in special settings), 1.0 spaces with paragraphs after 0 and before 0.
  4. P The paper is also accompanied by an Acknowledgment (if any) and is required to describe the Author Bibliography which is completed with a photo.
  5. Title and abstract must be written in English.
  6. The minimum number of pages is 5 pages of text and a maximum of 12 pages including references and author's bibliography.


Special Instructions

The Manuscript begins with the Title, Author's Name, Author's Address / Affiliation, Author's Email, Abstract and Key Words followed by a content section consisting of Introduction, Research Methods (Model Development), Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any), References and Author Bibliography. In writing the manuscript, pictures, equations and tables are presented together with the text in the contents section by including the name of figure, the equation number and the name of the table. The serial number and name of the figure are written at the bottom of the image, while the table number and table name are written at the top of the table. Please ensure that the quality and size of the images presented are large enough to produce good print quality.

Title, Author's Name, Affiliation, Email and Correspondence

  1. The title of the article is written concisely representing the contents discussed, not long-winded, easy to understand and informative. It is recommended not to use abbreviations and equations which are not widely recognized. The title consists of 8 to 16 words and must be written in English with a font size of 16 pt.
  2. Authors' names are ranked according to the most contribution in the paper, written in full without using an academic degree. At the beginning of the author's name include a superscript stating the author's serial number.
  3. Affiliates are written based on the Study Program or Research Institutions, Faculties and Universities/Colleges. Affiliates are allowed more than 1 (one). Superscipt is given at the beginning of the affiliation according to the author's serial number.
  4. Email is to identify official institutions/academic institutions that are affiliated with the author, but if there is none, it's allowed to use standard standard email (gmail).
  5. Correspondence is the person responsible and directly related to the editor, written in the lower left corner which includes the name of the correspondent author, Study Program, Faculty or University, University address and author's email.

Abstract and Key words

  1. Abstract consists of problems, problem solving and the results of problem solving done. Written in English with a font size of 10 pt, a maximum of 250 words including conjunctions and abbreviations.
  2. Keywords are written in English with a font size of 10 pt, sorted alphabetically by ascending A-Z with a minimum of 5 (five) keywords.


In the introduction, the research/writing background is presented, a brief literature review explaining the state of research art and the purpose of the research/writing. References (citation) which are used must follow the IEEE style. The introduction is written using a font size of 10 pt with paragraphs after 0 and before 0. 

Research Methodology/ Materials and Methods

In this section, the materials used in the research are presented. It is necessary to convey in detail the research methods used to ensure that the results obtained can be repeated or reproduced. If the manuscript submitted is a development of a model, then it is necessary to submit a description of the proposed model and how the model is evaluated/used. Writing in the method is adjusted to the research theme used, try to use a flowchart to explain the flow of research.

Result and discussion

In this section the results of the research (development of models or the implementation of algorithms) obtained systematically and constructively are complemented by comprehensive discussions that support the research objectives and strengthen the conclusions. In explaining the research in detail, you can use tables and figures or graphics inserted in the text.


This section summarizes the main conclusions from the results obtained. Of course you can answer the research objectives and show the novelty obtained from the research.

Acknowledgments (if any)

Acknowledgments addressed to institutions/agencies that have influence/support directly and indirectly involved in research. Acknowledgments cannot be given to personal/people/mentor etc.


Writing rules can be seen in the COVOTECH Template (Attached)

Author Bibliography

Authors' Bobliography explains related to the author's educational history, research that has been done and related to academic/research. Written in font size 9 and with a photo attached.