Guideline Authors

PREDATECS: Public Research Journal of Engineering, Data Technology and Computer Science requires authors to write their articles in English. The general guidelines of the PREDATECS journal consist of:

  1. The article is written as a manuscript in Microsoft Word with A4 page size (210 x 297 mm) with 3.0 cm left margin, 2.25 cm top margin, 2.5 cm right margin, and 2.25 bottom margin.
  2. Articles are written in a one-column format with the simplest possible text layout. It is recommended to use only the writing facilities available in Microsoft Word (bold, italic, subscript, superscript, equations, etc.).
  3. Each section of text in the manuscript is written using Times New Romans 14pt, 10 pt, 9 pt and 8 pt fonts (complete in special settings), 1.0 spacing with paragraphs after 0 and before 0.
  4. The paper is also accompanied by Acknowledgments (if any) and is mandatory.
  5. Minimum 8 pages of text and maximum 14 pages including references and author's bibliography.
  6. References used come from reputable international journals, international journals, international reputable proceedings and 10% national journals. References of at least the last 5 years, written using Mendeley or Zotero reference management.

Special Instructions

The manuscript begins with the Title, Author's Name, Author's Address/ Affiliation, Author's Email, Abstract and Keywords, followed by the content section consisting of Introduction, Materials and Research Methods (Model Development), Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if any), and Bibliography. In the writing of the manuscript, figures, equations and tables are presented with the text in the content section by including the name of the figure, equation number and table name. The sequence number and name of the figure are written at the bottom of the figure, while the table number and table name are written at the top of the table. Make sure the quality and size of the images presented are large enough to produce good print quality.

Title, Author Name, Affiliation, Email and Correspondence

  • The title of the article should concisely represent the content discussed, not long-winded, easy to understand and informative. It is recommended not to use abbreviations and equations that are not widely recognized. The title consists of 8 to 14 words and should be written in English with a font size of 14 pt (bold).
  • Authors' names are listed in order of most contribution to the paper, written in full without using academic titles. At the end of the author's name is a superscript that includes the author's sequential number. The font size for the author's name is 10 pt (bold).
  • Affiliation is written based on Department or Research Institute, Faculty or University/College, Country. Affiliation is allowed more than 1 (one). Superscipt is given at the beginning of the affiliation according to the author's sequence number. The font size for affiliation is 10 pt.
  • Correspondence E-mail is the person responsible and in direct contact with the editor and to identify the official institution / academic institution affiliated with the author, but if there is no, it is allowed to use standard email (gmail). Written at the bottom of the affiliation that includes the author's name, Department/Department, Faculty or University, Country. The font size for correspondence is 8 pt.

Abstract and Keywords

Abstract consists of the problem, problem solving and the results of the problem solving carried out as well as general conclusions from the research conducted. Written in English with font size 9 pt, maximum 200 words including conjunctions and abbreviations.

Keywords are written in Indonesian and English with 9 pt font size, sorted alphabetically A-Z ascending with a maximum of 5 (five) keywords.


In the introduction, the background of the research, a brief literature review explaining the state of the art of the research and the objectives of the research are presented. The introduction should reflect the novelty of the research or novelty of previous research, packaged with paragraphs accompanied by references from relevant / previous research so as to obtain the state of the art of the research being done. References (citation) used must follow IEEE style. The introduction is written using 10 pt font size with paragraphs after 0 and before 0.

Methodology/ Materials and Research Methods

In this section, the materials used in the research are presented. The research methods used need to be presented in detail so that the results obtained can be repeated or reproduced. If the submitted manuscript is the development of a model, it is necessary to convey a description of the proposed model and how the model is evaluated/used. The writing in the method is adjusted to the research theme used, try to use a flowchart to explain the flow of research. The materials used come from reputable international journal sources packaged in the form of paragraphs with subtitles, accompanied by figures and equations (if any).

Results and Discussion

In this section, the research results (model development or algorithm implementation) obtained are systematically and constructively complemented by a comprehensive discussion that supports the research objectives and strengthens the conclusions. In explaining the research in detail, it can use tables and figures or graphs inserted in the text. The results and discussion are written carefully, not like the steps of a process (tutorial) in using tools or the steps of manual calculation of algorithms.


This section summarizes the main conclusions from the results obtained/performed. Of course, the conclusions can answer the research objectives and show the novelty obtained from the research conducted.

Acknowledgments (if any)

Acknowledgments are addressed to institutions/agencies that have influence/support that are directly or indirectly involved in the research. Acknowledgments cannot be given to individuals/people/mentors etc.


Following PREDATECS Template, Dowload Template.