Determining the Final Project Topic Based on the Courses Taken by Using Machine Learning Techniques
Machine Learning, Random Oversampling, Random Undersampling, Tugas AkhirAbstract
A thesis (TA) is a scientific paper based on a problem. TA must be completed by students who wish to complete their studies. During this time, students often experience difficulties in determining the TA topic they want to research. To fix it, this research tries to determine TA topics using Machine Learning (ML) techniques based on the elective courses that students have taken. Elective courses are one form of academic data that can be used to consider TA topics. The ML algorithms used are KNN, NBC, ANN, SVM, C4.5, Random Forest, and Logistic Regression. The dataset used in this research is imbalanced data. This research balances the data using the Random Oversampling method and the Random Undersampling method. The results of experiments show that datasets balanced using ROS produce much higher ML performance, but tend to over-fit due to data duplication in the dataset. If the dataset is not balanced at all then the ML performance will be very low. Therefore, for unbalanced data, it is recommended to use the RUS method as data balance. The highest accuracy results for algorithms balanced using ROS are ANN=69.7%, RF=66.7%, SVM=57.6%, LR=57.6%, NBC=42.4%, C4.5=42.4%, and KNN=33.3%
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